Care Instructions

Care Instructions for Oil Paintings:

  1. Keep out of direct sunlight. 
  2. Keep out of steamy bathrooms.
  3. Do not hang over ovens, radiators or fireplaces.
  4. Don’t hang in direct line of air conditioners or fans.
  5. Try and hang in a place where the temperature and humidity are stable. Wide and sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity cause the panel or canvas to expand/contract causing damage to the painting over time.

*Your painting has been coated with an archival non-yellowing varnish. Varnish protects the surface of the painting from atmospheric deposits of dirt and grime. It also saturates the paint so the nuances of the painting can be seen much like wetting a stone brings out the detail. 

*It is safe to clear accumulated dust with a soft brush or feather duster. 


Please contact me if you have further questions.